Star Wars Book Chat Day 8 : Star Wars The High Republic Issue 1 by Scott, Anindito, & Leoni

I'm always thrilled when a new Star Wars comic book debuts. It reminds me of the times when the monthly Star Wars comics and book releases were all that filled our SW cravings between the films.
The High Republic is doubly exciting because it is set in a whole new timeline of Star Wars adventures, with all new characters.  This timeline also includes appearances from Yoda. Whatever, lets get on to the new characters(Sorry Charles)!

This story opens with and is seen through the gaze of a young padawan named Keeve. About three pages in Keeve nestled herself into my heart as one of my favorite things about Star Wars. 

I know this is high praise for a book that hasn't even finished it's first arc, but Keeve is something I have wanted in my life for over 40 years.
I talk a lot about representation, because there is nothing more satisfying then seeing yourself reflected in something you love. I didn't allow myself to get too excited about Keeve because I've  been so disappointed in the past.

This story gives us a snapshot into Keeve's place in the galaxy. She is a padawan on a mission with her Master SSkeer on the planet Shuraden on the edge of The Republic  She is pleased to discover that her Master has picked this place for her Jedi Trials. 

As Keeve moves towards her objective she discovers a swarm of bugs have been stirred by the pulses from the Starlight Beacon. Through Keev's quick actions disaster is averted not only for the local populace but for those on The Beacon. At adventures end Keeve and her master travel to Starlight Beacon and meet some the Beacon's resident Jedi

This book has a fantastic creative team. The art, coloring and lettering are so harmoniums The story has a nice balance of action and emotional story beats.

If you haven't read anything else from the high Republic you will still be able to follow along with this story. Reading all the novels and comics together creates a nice immersion into all aspects of the high Republic but you don't need to be intimidated by the amounts of material available.
I'm so excited for the next issue of this comic and learning what the galaxy holds for Keeve in the future.


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