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Star Wars Book Chat Day 23: Star Wars Vol 1: The Destiny Path by Soule, Saiz & Prianto
Many fans have been waiting for the comics to inch closer to The Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi and its finally here! In this arc we get to see the Rebellion continue to have a series of very bad days. Hacked communications mean individual Rebel cells can no longer communicate. There is also a new threat from Imperial commander Zahra. I also loved seeing more of Shara Bey in this arc. <br />Leia, Shara and Zhara for a triangle of perspectives that I really enjoyed. Seeing how Leia inspires the Rebellion despite her thoughts of Han, Zahra using her tactical planning to destroy the rebellion and Shara giving us amazing space battles. There are also some really great moments with Lando and Lobot in this arc as well. I struggled the most with Luke in this book. His story was a bit lackluster. His emotional turmoil is eloquently displayed with some great artistic moments but his moments, didn't shine for me as much as the other characters did. Still I'm greatly invested in this new arc. Charles Soule's writing is always entertaining.