Review: Old Dog Issue 1 by Declan Shalvey & Clayton Cowles

Creatives: Declan Shalvey, Clayton Cowles Publisher: Image Comics Comfort food has been a phrase that has been coming up a lot in my reviews lately. To me the term is about discovering a familiar feeling in a favorite genre. A few pages into Old Dog and I felt that spy thriller, mystery vibe I love so much.The story centers around Jack Lynch a CIA operative that is being shuffled to a low stakes job because of his past mistakes. What was supposed to be an easy detail turns deadly and Jack wakes up eight years later. The accident has given Jack some new abilities and a chance for redemption working with a group called The Black Circle. Really promising start to the series and filled with panel after panel of fantastic art. The book feels familiar but intriguing as well I can think of several series to compare it to but none of those are by Declan. This book has the stamp of him developing a personal style both artistically and as a writer.


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